Xoth.Net Publishing produces fantasy adventure modules which are set in the World of Xoth. The books are usable in any sword and sorcery setting and easily adapted to any fantasy roleplaying game ruleset or edition.
Get the Books
Click on each book below for more information:
- XP1: The Spider-God's Bride and Other Tales of Sword and Sorcery: A critically acclaimed collection of ten blood-red sword and sorcery adventures, inspired by the pulp era tales of Robert E. Howard and Clark Ashton Smith. [D&D 3.5]
Now available for Fifth Edition (5E): The 10 adventures in this collection are currently being revised and released as standalone adventures. They will be listed here as they become available. The new versions are updated to fifth edition rules and include new maps and artwork.
XP1.1: The Necromancer's Knife: In Belthaar, city of dark alleys, strange cults, and rival sorcerers, a threat rises from beyond the grave! Can you solve the mystery of the Necromancer's Knife before it is too late? [D&D 5E]
XP1.2: The Spider-God's Bride: The mission is simple: Escort a Lamuran lord and his entourage on a visit to the city of Zul-Bazzir. The road to Zul-Bazzir is perilous, but it is after arrival that things truly take a turn for the worse! Can you avoid getting entangled in the webs of intrigue spun by the cult of the Spider-God? [D&D 5E]
XP1.3: The Jewel of Khadim Bey: Daring thieves entered the grand palace last night and stole a fabled emerald from the bey of Zul-Bazzir. But one of the thieves was betrayed, and now asks you for help to get revenge! Will you ally with a thief to steal back the Jewel of Khadim Bey? [D&D 5E]
XP1.4: The Eidolon of the Ape: Innocent men and women are being ritually strangled on the white jade altar of the grim ape god Simatala! Do you sneak into the temple to rescue the prisoners, or are you strong enough to face the evil adepts of the ape god directly? [D&D 5E]
XP1.5: The Crypt-Thing of Khorsul: In a remote mountain valley, a bitter feud rages between two rival nobles and their militias. Recently, dark sorcery and undead things have become involved! Whose side of the feud will you take? [D&D 5E]
XP1.6: The Vault of Yigthrahotep: Across the scorched heat of the barren desert lie the jungled hills of Shoma, where the crazed queen of a lost tribe jealously guards a mine that contains untold riches. But in your quest for the buried gold, what terrors that slumber in the prehuman vaults beneath the mine might you awaken...? [D&D 5E]
XP1.7: The Swords of Zimballah: Renegade priests of the Living Flame have come to the court of the barbarian king of Azimba, bringing with them the secret of iron. As you become embroiled in the power struggle between the jungle kingdoms, will you profit, or will you fall to the new iron swords of Zimballah? [D&D 5E]
XP1.8: Slaves of the Moon: In the accursed city of Kumara, queen Natari rules with an iron fist. But the arrival of strangers stirs bloody intrigue! Will you uncover ancient secrets and escape alive, or become a slave of the moon? [D&D 5E]
XP1.9: The Daughters of Rahma: A mysterious message leads to Yaatana, a city of furtive sorcerers, and strange and depraved cults. Will you steal the treasures of its temples, or succumb to the charms of the Daughters of Rahma? [D&D 5E]
XP1.10: The Call from the Abyss: A tattered treasure map and the whispers of an old god lead to a cyclopean temple on a remote island. Will you plunder the ancient gold of Namthu, or become a slave to the call from the abyss? [D&D 5E]
- XP2: Song of the Beast-Gods: A fully detailed sword and sorcery adventure set in the deserts of Yar-Ammon. A mix of wilderness travel, palace intrigue, and delving into forbidden underground vaults -- a chance for every character class to shine! [Pathfinder]
- XP3: The Citadel beyond the North Wind: As a regional sandbox, the module details the never-before-seen northern lands and races of the World of Xoth. [Pathfinder]
- XP4: Land of the Silver Lotus: Narcotic plants, hostile pygmies, giant slugs, and ancient evils -- face them all in this mini-campaign! [Pathfinder]
XP5: The Trials of Ngura: Participate in the ritual ordeals of the nomadic Shoma tribes, or steal the golden treasures of the Bull-God. [D&D 5E]
XP6: Throne of Gondira: Discover the lost city of Gondira, built by the sons of giants, with a palace of white marble and gates of beaten gold, now hidden by the jungle and haunted by white apes who walk upright like men. [D&D 5E]
Each page above contains a link to buy the PDF version of the book via PayPal. All books are also available as print-on-demand via Lulu.
- The Player's Guide to the World of Xoth for 5E is a 72-page PDF that contains chapters on the Cultures, Races, Classes, Swords, Sorcery, Cults, Lands, and Legends of Xoth; in short, everything you need to roll up a character and start playing in the World of Xoth! The book is packed with all-new, all-original artwork especially commissioned for this book, including illustrations of each and every race of Xoth. Grab your FREE copy of the Player's Guide to the World of Xoth today! [D&D 5E]
- The Player's Guide to the World of Xoth for Pathfinder is a 60-page PDF that contains chapters on the Races, Cultures, Classes, Swords, Sorcery, Cults, Lands, and Legends of Xoth; in short, everything you need to roll up a character and start playing in the World of Xoth! The book is packed with all-new, all-original artwork especially commissioned for this book, including illustrations of each and every race of Xoth. Grab your FREE copy of the Player's Guide to the World of Xoth today! [Pathfinder]
- High-Resolution Map of the World of Xoth
Freebies (for Game Masters only)
The following freebies are sourcebooks and adventures intended for Game Masters; do not download these files if you intend to be a player in a World of Xoth campaign.
All material below was contributed by Paul Kirk. It's great stuff, enjoy!
- The City of Dipur, a 60-page sourcebook written by Paul Kirk. Dipur is a city of the Empire of Khazistan, lying 50 miles southwest of the Kharjah Pass. It is a garrison city, as well as a stopping off point for the many caravans travelling to, or from, Susrah and lands beyond. For this reason, it is often referred to as "The Gateway to the East" by the Khazistanis. In addition to a detailed look at the city's history, this book contains dozens of locations, NPCs and adventure seeds, as well as maps. [Legend]
- The Shadow of the Ragged King, a 40-page adventure written by Paul Kirk. The player characters find themselves in mortal danger on the road between Zul Bazzir and Dipur as the shadow of the Ragged King falls once more across the land! The adventure is written using the Legend rules, but also includes a Savage Worlds conversion document, as well as maps. [Legend]
- The Children of Nwanga Zhaal, a 26-page adventure written by Paul Kirk. The characters have departed the port of Ghazor, bound for the unknown jungle lands that lie beyond the Hills of the Dead and the dismal swamplands of the Cannibal Coast, determined to explore these uncharted jungle coasts and exploit its riches! The adventure is written using the Legend rules, and includes a separate map booklet. [Legend]
- The Scions of Adartu, a 26-page adventure written by Paul Kirk. The player characters get caught up in the intrigues of a clandestine group known as the "Scions of Adartu". The adventure is written using the Legend rules, and includes a separate map booklet. [Legend]
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Conversions to Other Game Systems
- Mongoose Legend RPG: Mongoose has published authorized conversions of the Xoth adventures using the Legend rules.
- Blade of the Iron Throne RPG: Blade is based on the Riddle of Steel gaming system and features the World of Xoth as its default campaign setting.
- Barbarians of Lemuria RPG: The Kickstarter for the Mythic Edition was successfully funded and as part of the bonus stretch goals it included The Vault of Yigthrahotep converted for use with the Barbarians of Lemuria game system.
- Unbelievably Simple Roleplaying (USR): The World of Xoth will be the official setting for the Deluxe USR Sword & Sorcery supplement being developed by Vanishing Tower Press.
- Low Fantasy Gaming (LFG): Zack H. has created a 40 page conversion booklet for the World of Xoth, available for free from the LFG Community Content page.